grrr. what great timing. The night was going great. Got beer, got taco bell, and was ready to hammer out some homework.
Turned on my desk lamp, and the bulb went dead (its the kind with a super-small, impossible-to-find bulb). Doing homework at a dark desk is nearly impossible….. so i rigged up a contraption using a spare light.
Its the kind of light that screws into a wall…. cept that…. i dont have screws (nor do i want to damage the wall).
So its currently being held onto the wall by push pins and scotch tape.
I cant even begin to tell you how many “fix-it” jobs i have done in this manner….
the damn thing still sucks though, since the light isnt over me…. its just casting a shadow on everything.
Yes……i was really just looking for an excuse to play, rather than work (and say hello!)
Beer & Taco Smell! Yum…
Oh, & sorry ’bout the light too….
At least you didn’t use DUCT tape on the wall!!