Yesterday was INTENSE. From the moment i woke up, i was trying to pack for the trip and finish up the paper dolls before the show. Somehow, I DID IT. I literally ran from kinkos, straight to the show line, and was admitted 10 min later. whew!
The show was INCREDIBLE. There 2 shows actually….. and both times, a bunch of us from the again today forum were smack in the front 🙂 My friends camera (a nikon coolpix) didn’t disappoint me today…. It doesn’t handle distance shots too well, but it sure likes the close ones. I took some videos of just her head singing, since thats the range where the camera worked best…… they are a little weird to watch cause of that. I’ll try to get some videos up while i’m on the road. See how much work my laptop would let me do in the car (its only a 1 1/2 hr battery…boo!)
as far as the paper dolls goes…. The twins mom LOVED them. She was actually the whole reason i even printed them, so that made me happy. I also gave a copy to several other family members, and got a copy signed for myself 😀 I thought it was pretty funny when one of the twins (tim) chased my down to sign it (cause mom told him to!). Brandi also took a good look at them, and seemed to get a kick that i included the jacket from “the story”. It all around went well, and i’m glad their over 🙂 (illiff if you read this, i have a copy for you!)
k…i’m off to finish packing and head to portland!
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